This whole mis-use of Radio Frequency (RF) tools like Wi-Fi and GSM is really great. As far as I’m concerned, the only good use of technology sometimes is repurposing it for things it wasn’t meant to do. Take the latest phenomenon of BlueJacking or BlueTooth Jacking, where you can basically scope out people close to you with BlueTooth devices (within a 10 meter radius) and send them private or public messages (I’m assuming you can send the same message out to all people within your range as well). The only problem is that most people don’t even know they have BlueTooth enabled devices and probably won’t enable BlueTooth unless they need to use it. At least for people using laptops equipped with BlueTooth there’s BlueStumbler which provides a list of some software you can download. However they ultimately built the site to warn consumers about the risks their BT device might have as well to show manufacturers that it’s time to get their act together! Yipes!

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