This is an exciting project from Jessica Findley (ex-ITP/Sonicribbon/UJI-Making) called “Aeolian Ride”, that will happen in the streets of NYC in June 2004. From her description:

Aeolian Ride is a public happening – a kinetic art work-event consisting of up up to 100 people on bicycles riding through the city, wearing costumes inflated by the wind. Throughout history uniforms have been used as devices to establish hierarchies and intimidate people with the appearance of mass unity. Aeolian Ride utilizes the striking presence of mass repetition as traditional uniforms do, however, upon closer inspection the Aeolian Ride costumes are similar to each other but are distinctly different. They are a non-class, non-military, non-religious, non-work related type of uniform. Without a hierarchy the costumes deconstruct traditional concepts of a uniform through their ethereal and humorous look, drawing attention and sharing the playful energy exuded by the people wearing them.

Focusing on playful interaction on a large scale, the project looks at physical exertion as a driving force in the spectacle of public performance in urban streets. Interesting concept and looking forward to their deployment on 6/5/04 through NYC streets when riders attempt to either fight the wind or encounter smooth sailing!

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