After three days in Bilbao, we are heading to Manchester now for FutureSonic. Kaki will be leading a workshop, and I will be exhibiting and speaking about the Wifi-Hog project. Please stop by and say hello if you are in the area! As for Bilbao, I checked out the exhibition finally and there were some really interesting projects including John Kilma’s long awaited, Terrain Machine (pictured w/guts), a real-time depth display with hundred of motorized potentiometers with stretched spandex connecting each point. The result is a moving “terrain” with a projected image of a woman floating on the surface, allowing users to manipuate the depths of the pots as they cast a shadow. I am in the process of writing up a more detailed report, so I will post a link soon. Also checked out the Guggenheim Bilbao which definitely reminded me of an updated Guggenheim NYC. The best was on the recorded tour when the voice says, “The stones of the building were crafted by robots!”. Nice touch.

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