Kaki and I have arrived in Riga, Latvia for RAM 5. This event focuses on the theme of “Open Source Media Architecture”, centered on open systems of collaboration, open source software, re-appropriation of interface, and locative media projects. I’ll be giving a talk on “Collective Use and Playful Interventions in Wireless Space” on the 7th and Kaki will be running a workshop on “Multi-Hop Ad-Hoc Networks”, with a participatory demo of Oscillating Windows which is up and running and is a great hands-on way of learning the social aspects of ad-hoc networks and how they function in physical space with multiple participants. Today in Riga, we walked around the old city (pictured above), a really interesting urban space with many cathedrals, squares, and winding cobblestone streets. One thing I noticed was a sheath of dust that seemed to cover most of surfaces of the communist era buildings of this newly joined EU country. It will be interested in coming back here in 10 years and see how EU membership has changed the place. More to come…

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