Its cool that SMS is finally catching on in the US. The fact that Google has set up a new service that allows people to send SMS to get things like movie times and restaurant choices around the current “cell” they are in is pretty cool. I like the location-based aspect of this, even though it might not be as pin-pointed as GPS could be, its still a good start and something that was more difficult to do in Europe. Perhaps the “services” aspect is a very US thing (although you can pay for things like cans of soda, taxi cabs, and even movie tickets in other countries through your mobile phone) – but it seems as if the only way for it to catch on here in the mainstream is if some “service” is tied to it. Lets wait and see how well Google does…
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Hi Jonah,
Good to see your blog up and running on that side of the pond.
And I’m glad u are keep tabs on the US SMS market for us Europeans.
Keep up the good work!
Now the next thing we need to do is encourage Nicky get DATA:GROUP back on the road …:-)
thanks steve – keep me updated with whats going on with DATA..
yes keep DATA alive in Dublin! Hope it can maintain its great momentum!
Yes I hope DATA stays alive over there… It’s been an amazing group to see develop over the years and I hope the momentum continues…