The Space Hijackers, an artist group based in London, UK (known for their pretty cool “Circle Line Parties” on the London Tube) are having a benefit party to raise money to buy a Military Tank to drive around the streets of London in protest of the “DSEI“, the largest arms fair in Europe which is held in London from Sept 11-14 and is fully supported by the UK government. The aim is to disrupt the fair as much as possible, blaring loud music, etc.. Pretty funny idea, but who knows if it will actually work. I think the idea of trying to buy a tank is even more absurd in general, although they can probably get one cheap on eBay.

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One thought on “Tank You Very Much

  1. I’ve been to the circle line party, and blast it to now, that’s pretty funny. You know, if more technology was in the hands of the people… Isn’t it in the constitution, the right to buy and rear up tanks?

    Oh yeah, they only have convolution. Just kidding! But seriously, if you don’t understand the desperation of this sort of irony, you really haven’t been subject to the problems of reality. Ahem, they sell these things to their ‘enemies’, why not good natured local piracy professionals?

    I’m thinking as long as they paint a flower on it, we’re good to go, dank you very much, and a donkey fell!

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