Well I am back in the hospital now after having more strange feelings (twinges) and not being able to sleep. Now I’m in a private room in a different ward, but it seems a lot more chill than Richmond Ward (where I was before). The last few days have been pretty miserable trying to sleep in the A&E room (Accident and Emergency) with hundreds of other patients and failing. Now I have my own room and will be monitored with EEG machines over there next few days to see what is happening with my seizure activity and other muscle twinges / etc that I have been feeling. Not very cool stuff, esp when it stops you from sleeping. Luckily I found a computer room in the hospital and can update my progress. In the meantime, if comments are welcome – just email me instead. I will add them again once I get back home and fix my template (Thanks to Nat Stern for the heads up on a good solution to the Word Press Comment Spam Problem. L8tr!