Mark Esper is having an opening this week which looks to be really cool. I’ve already mentioned his tornado installation here before, but this show should definitely be worth the trip out.

“For his fourth solo exhibit at The Dam, Stuhltrager Gallery, Mark Esper premieres “Second Orrery”, an installation encompassing a whirling tornado. The ethereal twisting column of gasses is reflected in = other spiral forms that constitute the work, including a double helix and train running on looped track. Another spiral form is even less corporal than the tornado in that it isn’t seen. It is felt in time through the cyclical behavior of the piece, through the periodic adjustments in lighting coupled with the repetitive journey of the train, and the appearance and disappearance of the tornado. It is a spiral in time.”

Mark will be showcasing a bunch of other projects as well which sounds really cool including a larger version of the project he showed at Artbots this summer! Worth checking out!
-Plus he’s giving a talk at Dorkbot NYC on the 7th at 7. Bthere….

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